• info@theuccnola.com
  • 504 442 5128

Leo J. Burke III, Psy.D., M.P. is a licensed Medical Psychologist in the state of Louisiana with over 20 years of clinical experience. Dr. Burke provides assessment and evaluation for the Prescription of Psychotropic Medication and Medication Management exclusively for patients being treated under Marie Claire Batau, LPC, Caitlin Bach, LPC, and Molly Holmes, LPC at the Uptown Counseling Center. Patients seeking medication management services must be in active treatment with either Caitlin, Marie, or Molly.


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Fill out the form below to get in touch with the reception staff at our office.

The Uptown Counseling Center of New Orleans


7611 Maple Street B-1
New Orleans, LA 70118


504 442 5128

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